Opening Hours
Mon-Tue Closed
Wed-Sat 9:30am-5:00pm
Sun 10am-3pm
Last Practise Entries an Hour Before Closing
Welcome to the South West’s number 1 shooting ground, where your aim is our game!
We are continuously looking for ways to keep the ground and it's targets fresh as well as hosting exciting events. Over the years we held prestigious tournaments such as the ATA cup and the Browning Sporting Masters. Thousands of shooters have competed at Ashcombe with huge prizes being given away to the winners.
The inaugural ATA Cup was held over three days with 120 sporting targets over 15 stands. The High Gun winner, Martin Myers, shot a phenomenal 117 ex 120 to take the win on a course that was set for 114.
We were extremely grateful of the support from ATA who very kindly helped with dressing the ground and providing incredible prizes worth over £15,000.
We are very appreciative of all the shooters who took part in our Winter Series, shot over the months of December to March.
The March sporting reg comp was the last of the four Winter Series Shoots, with 3 of the 4 scores counting towards the final result. It was Martin Myers who took the High Gun prize with each of the class winners also deserving a big thumbs up.
Thanks as always to the Ashcombe team for their hard work preparing, running and administering the event and to you the shooters for your ongoing support.
What a great (albeit very chilly) day we had when Exeter Chiefs paid us a visit for a corporate event week commencing 8th January.
As is usual with the guys there was plenty of banter flying around and, as is to be expected with professional athletes, a whole lot of competitiveness too. That's what we love to see.
Very well done to all of the squad, those returning and those who have never been clay shooting before. You all did great and we hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did having you.
A special mention needs to go to our top 3 scorers:
1. Josh Hodge
2. Patrick Schickerling
2. Tommy Wyatt
​If you and/or your team would like a corporate event with us at Ashcombe Shooting Ground give us a call or email and get it booked in.
As some of you may be aware Ashcombe has undergone some renovation works of late.
Sadly, ash dieback, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, also known as chalara, is a fungal disease which affects our native ash trees. This infection has unfortunately been present in the ash trees at Ashcombe Shooting Ground. Over recent years
Diseased ash trees are extremely dangerous and unpredictable for anyone near them. As
there is no cure, and most trees are killed by the disease, we along with the land owner have had to take the decision to strip back large swathes of the ground as a safety precaution for our customers as their wellbeing will always be our highest priority.
Of course, the removal of any environment is disappointing, however its removal also means we can now replant this winter to diversify the habitat and the species. It also opens up great and new space on the ground for future endeavours.
Whilst health and safety are our key driver here, we now can also start to see the great
opportunities to aid nature and to create something special for the customers and wildlife alike.
Watch this space!