Opening Hours
Mon-Tue Closed
Wed-Sat 9:30am-5:00pm
Sun 10am-3pm
Last Practise Entries an Hour Before Closing

Welcome to the South West’s number 1 shooting ground, where your aim is our game!
Instruction 1:1 and Shared lessons - Suitable for Shotgun certificate holders
Whether you are just starting on your shooting journey or have been shooting for decades we are confident that our coaches can help you improve your game.
We would always recommend a series of lessons for those who are new to shotgunning to ensure that they have a good grasp of safety, clay ground etiquette and basic technique and we offer that tuition in a no stress friendly environment using targets set especially to grow confidence and ability.
For more experienced shooters we have in depth knowledge of both Game and Clay shooting with Head Coach Don Brunt having written technique articles in the Sporting press for more than a decade as well as shooting game and competing widely in the UK and abroad which gives him a huge amount of experience on which to call.
As well as our vast range of sporting targets we also always have several driven targets on offer to simulate Game birds including our High Tower which offers a genuine 100ft plus presentation which makes Ashcombe the perfect place to prepare for the season.
If you have never had a lesson or are “self taught” its worth having a lesson or two to just find out if you are one of the many who have picked up “Bad habits”. Quite often relatively simple fixes can change your shooting for the better and make a substantial difference to your success rate.
Between our coaching staff we can offer tuition in the following shooting methods:
Swing Through
Pull Away
Maintained Lead
Collapsing (reducing) Lead
It may be that like many shooters you have discovered that you have a specific weakness on certain targets or that you want to learn another method to have at your disposal for certain situations. We can help you to solve any problems you may have as well as giving impartial advice on what equipment may suit you.
Gunfit is an area that can be crucial to success and we are able to give initial assessments of the suitability of your current gun and what next steps you may want to follow. We are also happy to help with eye dominance issues.
We are able to teach under cover in the event of wet weather and we can also run through the more theoretical aspects of shooting indoors utilizing our comfortable restaurant area.
Depending on which instruction experience you choose the tuition can last anything from 1 hour up to 1 and half hours approximately with each lesson tailored to suit the needs of the client. As each client is different in terms of the practical and theoretical knowledge needed we do not allot for a specific amount of clays to be shot, therefore the cost of clays is not included in the prices given below.